The scope of var is wrong

Never use var to declare variables, use let instead.


== is conversion and comparison

What you really need is ===, which is similar to comparing two interface{}.

=== is shallow

{a:1}==={a:1} is false, while Go struct with string are compared by contents (but not for slice).

Also this affects map key comparison. So object key is not so useful in JS as struct key in Go. The equality test is always on the references rather than the contents.


const works for objects, but the contents are modifiable


Single and double quotes are the same


Back quotes are like text/template

Escapes also works in back quotes and more template related features.


Switch cases fall through by default

Access undeclared object property returns undefined

Trying to access undeclared variables throws an exception but accessing undeclared object properties return a value called undefined.

Use 'property' in obj to check if a property is declared or not.

Only float64 is supported

Object is like map[string]interface{}

Array is like map[int]interface{}

Map is like map[interface{}]interface{} traverses properties recursively

for...of is like for...range in Go


    console.log({}.constructor === {}['__proto__'].constructor);
    console.log({}.constructor.prototype === {}['__proto__']);

Promise can be chained and composed

It is quite impressive how JS do concurrency differently and efficiently.

Promise.then(onFulfilled) where onFufilled can return another Promise.

Promise.all([func1(), func2(), func3()])
.then(([result1, result2, result3]) => { /* use result1, result2 and result3 */ });

Computed property name

    [prop]: 42,

There are two types of generator method syntax

    *gen() {

    gen: function*() {
